Nicergoline for Injection

The main ingredient of this product is nicergoline

Chemical name: 10α-methoxy-1,6-dimethylergoline-8β-methanol-5-bromonicotinate

Chemical Structure:

Molecular formula:C24H26BrN3O3

Molecular weight:484.39

Excipients: lactose, phosphoric acid


This product is white or off-white block or powder.


Improves low libido and affective disorders caused by sequelae of cerebral infarction (slow sensation, inattention, memory loss, lack of thought, depression, restlessness, etc.).

Acute and chronic peripheral circulatory disorders (limb vascular occlusive disease, Raynaud's syndrome, other symptoms of peripheral circulatory failure).

【usage and dosage】

Intramuscular injection: 2~4mg each time, 2 times a day.

Intravenous drip: 4~8mg each time, dissolved in 100ml normal saline or glucose injection, slowly instilled, 1~2 times a day.

Intravenous injection: 4 mg each time, dissolved in 10 ml of physiological saline and slowly injected (2 minutes).

Please refer to the manual for details.

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